For more than 30 years, Ocean Food has specialized in developing and manufacturing surimi products using the highest quality of seafood available. Based out of Toronto, Canada, we make our kamaboko and surimi crab locally with a special blend of refined white fish. We strive to give our customers a healthy product without sacrificing flavour or texture.


Our wide range of Fresh Sea Market products are sold fresh, never frozen. Try all our Fresh Sea Market offerings of surimi crab, fish balls and steamed, boiled, fried or broiled kamaboko and taste the difference.

Our wide range of Arctic Sea Market products are sold in pre-cooked, frozen form, while still offering fresh surimi flavours. Our Arctic Sea Market products include surimi crab, fried kamaboko, as well as pre-packaged kamaboko for oden. We invite you to try all our Arctic Sea Market products. 

Ocean Food is proud of its Japanese heritage and we offer products to celebrate Japanese holidays such as the New Year. We have Tokujyo (steamed kamaboko) and date-maki (a sweet rolled omelette) creating a beautiful spiral appetizer to ring in the New Year.

Ocean Food provides products for commercial and industrial uses. We are fully equipped to create private labels for your company and can customize products to suit your needs.  We also sell our proprietary blend of raw surimi paste.